Well it’s safe to say despite the keen interest from the
apprentice lads in this blog, whilst there are engines to tinker with and boats
to build they just can’t tear themselves away to put pen to paper. Being the
practical types, words aren’t exactly their strong point, apart from when it
comes to the healthy workshop banter that echoes around the yard from 8 till 4.
So writing a piece for the new blog has been designated to the only girl in the
workshop. A bit like taping up the rowing gig plug…we do it every time we begin
the hull of a new gig but for some unknown reason the lads just can’t do it, I
have concluded that it’s a bit like wrapping Christmas presents, it’s just not
a man thing, they just can’t get the knack, so rather than painfully watch them
get tangled up in parcel tape I just get on and do it, which is what I have
spent today doing and even if I do say so myself…it’s probably the best one yet.
Coming to work is not a chore but more of a pleasure, there
is always a new project to start or a favourite one to finish but like all jobs
the boring bits need doing too (taping up the plug for example) and because we
are the young, strong and nimble apprentices they are generally designated to
us, much to our joy. However the progression in the workshop never stops, we
never stop learning and I don’t think we ever will. I have been building the
backbone for the rowing gig which is made up of 14 components and fitting them
all together is a bit like trying to do a Rubiks Cube. Having a day off to tape
up the plug
was a bit of a relief really, it was nice to
do something I didn’t have to think about, just keep taping and contemplate the
meaning of life the world and the universe. I was pretty nervous when I first
started the project, after having seen so many people before me produce them to
such perfection, it is a lot to live up to. It is almost complete though, after
weeks of hard work I am now doing the final shaping to the transom and dare I
say it I’m pretty chuffed with it. It’s not perfect and it has taken longer
than it should have done but that’s because I’m learning on the job. That’s the
great thing about the Pioneer Sailing Trust, we aren’t just practicing with
scraps or building miniatures, it’s the real deal, and we are actually churning
out real boats. Seeing something you’ve built when it’s out on the water is the
most satisfying thing. Sat on the quay at Wivenhoe having a pint with a some
friends and shouting “ look look, it’s my boat! I built that!”
Anyway our gig leader Dunstan will come through the door in
a minute and ask why the transoms unfinished so I better get back to my
chisels and get this keel done so Rowhedge can get out on the water.
Understand exactly what you mean about seeing something you've made actually functioning indepebdently out there in the world. It's like that with books too.